Zinātniskā darbība
- Assessment of soil functions: an example of meeting competing national and international obligations by harnessing regional differences / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Ainars Lupikis, Rogier P. O. Schulte // Frontiers in Environmental Science. Vol. 8, Specialty section: Land Use Dynamic (2020), Article 591695 , URL: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2020.591695/full , URL: https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85098054888&doi=10.3389%2Ffenvs.2020.591695&partnerID=40&md5=e2e4afb0b8f09b017d6099c1ad2a0c53 , URL: http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=Alerting&SrcApp=Alerting&DestApp=WOS&DestLinkType=FullRecord;UT=WOS:000600960700001 ISSN 2296-665X.
- Environmental impact assessment of manure management systems in the context of integrated nitrogen management / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Berzina, Juris Burlakovs // “ECOBALTICA”: XVII-th International Youth Scientific and Environmental Forum of Baltic region countries : abstracts, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 16-17, 2020 [elektroniskais resurss] / Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology” St.-Peterburg, 2020.
- The nitrous oxide isotope measurements for soil samples under laboratory conditions / Dace Butenaite, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Zane Vincevica-Gaile // “ECOBALTICA”: XVII-th International Youth Scientific and Environmental Forum of Baltic region countries: abstracts, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 16-17, 2020 [elektroniskais resurss] / Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “All-Russian Research Institute of Phytopathology” St.-Peterburg, 2020.
- The anthropogenic impact on surface water quality: case study of Latvia / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Linda Eliza Jumite, Kristine Valujeva, Vanesa Luize Didze // 20th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020: proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 18-24 August, 2020 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 3.1: Hydrology and water resources, 329.-338.lpp. ISBN 9786197603088. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Impacts of erosion in Svete river / Paula Eihe, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Anda Bakute, Lasma Lucija Vebere // 20th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020: proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 18-24 August, 2020 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 3.1: Hydrology and water resources, 177.-184.lpp. ISBN 9786197603088. ISSN 1314-2704.
- The water quality in river and role of incoming flows: case study of Svete river / Lasma Lucija Vebere, Paula Eihe, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Oskars Purmalis // 20th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020: proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 18-24 August, 2020 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 3.1: Hydrology and water resources, 347.-354.lpp. ISBN 9786197603088. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Geophysical aspects of abandoned landfill geomorphological and material properties macro-characterization / Juris Burlakovs, Yahya Jani, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva // 20th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020: proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 18-24 August, 2020 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 1.2: Applied and environmental geophysics, 551.-558.lpp. ISBN 9786197603057. ISSN 1314-2704.
- The impact of soil treatment and moisture regime on N2O emissions from agricultural soil / Paula Eihe, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Lasma Lucija Vebere // 20th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020: proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 18-24 August, 2020 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 4.1: Air pollution and cimate change, 515.-522.lpp. ISBN 9786197603095. ISSN 1314-2704.
- The heavy metal deposition in snow: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Oskars Purmalis, Kristine Valujeva, Vadims Ulcugacevs // 20th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020: proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 18-24 August, 2020 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 4.1: Air pollution and cimate change, 507.-514.lpp. ISBN 9786197603095. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Optimisation of land use for improved soil based ecosystem services: an example from Latvia / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Aleksejs Nipers // 20th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2020: proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 18-24 August, 2020 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2020. Vol. 20, Issue 3.1: Soils, 479.-486.lpp. ISBN 9786197603088. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Trace elements footprint of transport in urban areas: case study of Jelgava city / Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Inga Grinfelde // 12th International conference on establishment of cooperation between companies and institutions in the Nordic countries, the Baltic Sea region and the world: online conference: book of abstracts, Kalmar, Sweden, 23–25 November 2020 / Linnaeus University Kalmar, 2020. 1 pdf datne, URL: https://open.lnu.se/index.php/eco-tech/article/view/2705/2368 ISBN 9789189081031.
- The balance of economic, environmental and social needs for sustainable management of lake ecosystem / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva, Paula Eiehe, Lasma Lucija Vebere // 12th International conference on establishment of cooperation between companies and institutions in the Nordic countries, the Baltic Sea region and the world: online conference : book of abstracts, Kalmar, Sweden, 23–25 November 2020 / Linnaeus University Kalmar, 2020. 1 pdf datne, URL: https://open.lnu.se/index.php/eco-tech/article/view/2706/2369 ISBN 9789189081031.
- The education sustainable development the key of eco-innovations / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka-Ulcugaceva // 12th International conference on establishment of cooperation between companies and institutions in the Nordic countries, the Baltic Sea region and the world: online conference : book of abstracts, Kalmar, Sweden, 23–25 November 2020 / Linnaeus University Kalmar, 2020. 1 pdf datne , URL: https://open.lnu.se/index.php/eco-tech/article/view/2707/2370 ISBN 9789189081031.
- Cūku mēslu digestāta paskābināšanas ietekme uz amonjaka emisiju apjomiem ziemas rapša sējumos = Ammonia emmision reduction effect on acidification of swine manure digester applied in winter rapeseed fields / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde // Līdzsvarota lauksaimniecība : zinātniski praktiskās konferences raksti, Jelgava, Latvija, 21. febr. 2019 / Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte. Lauksaimniecības fakultāte. Latvijas Agronomu biedrība. Latvijas Lauksaimniecības un meža zinātņu akadēmija. Jelgava, 2019. 50.-55.lpp. , URL: http://llufb.llu.lv/conference/lidzsvar_lauksaim/2019/Latvia-lidzsvarota-lauksaimniec_rakstu_krajums_2019.pdf#page=51 ISBN 9789984483245. ISSN 2500-9451;
- Environmental management of remediative and revitalization initiatives in Baltic Sea region / Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka, Linda Grinberga, Inga Grinfelde, Juris Burlakovs // 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2019. Vol. 19, Issue 5.1: Ecology, economics, education and legislation. Section: Ecology and Environmental protection, p. 253- 259. ISBN 9786197408843. ISSN 1314-2704;
- Analyzing differently prepared snow samples to determine air quality in the city / Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Lasma Lucija Vebere, Oskars Purmalis // 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2019. Vol. 19, Issue 4.1: Energy and clean technologies. Section: Nuclear technologies. Renewable energy sources and clean technologies. Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, p. 859-866. ISBN 9786197408436. ISSN 1314-2704;
- Snow in the cities as an indicator of air pollution caused by traffic / Jovita Pilecka, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Grinfelde, Paula Eihe, Oskars Purmalis // 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2019. Vol. 19, Issue 4.1: Energy and clean technologies. Section: Nuclear technologies. Renewable energy sources and clean technologies. Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, p. 1069-1076. ISBN 9786197408436. ISSN 1314-2704;
- The ammonia emision reduction effect of acidification of pig slurry digestate applied on winter wheat / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Berzina, Paula Eihe, Kristine Valujeva // 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2019. Vol. 19, Issue 4.1: Energy and clean technologies. Section: Nuclear technologies. Renewable energy sources and clean technologies. Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, p. 1101-1108. ISBN 9786197408436. ISSN 1314-2704’;
- The impact of landscape structure of catchment area on lake hydrology / Inga Grinfelde, Anda Bakute, Jovita Pilecka, Laima Berzina, Lasma Lucija Vebere // 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2019. Vol. 19, Issue 3.1: Water resources. Forest, marine and ocean ecosystems. Section: Hydrology and water resources. Marine and ocean ecosystems, p. 569-576. ISBN 9786197408812. ISSN 1314-2704;
- Exploring the trade-offs between soil functions at local scale / Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Jovita Pilecka, Juris Zarins // 19th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 30 June-6 July, 2019 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Sofia, 2019. Vol. 19, Issue 3.2. Water resources. Forest, marine and ocean ecosystems. Section: Soil. Forest ecosystems, p. 203-208. ISBN 9786197408829. ISSN 1314-2704;
- Gateway of landfilled plastic waste towards circular economy in Europe / Juris Burlakovs, Mait Kriipsalu, Dmitry Porshnov, Yahya Jani, Viesturs Ozols, Kaur-Mikk Pehme, Vita Rudovica, Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Zane Vincevica-Gaile, Tsitsino Turkadze, William Hogland, Maris Klavins // Separations. Vol. 6(2) (2019), 25. , URL: https://www.mdpi.com/2297-8739/6/2/25/htm , URL: http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=Alerting&SrcApp=Alerting&DestApp=WOS&DestLinkType=FullRecord;UT=WOS:000474933600007 ISSN 2297-8739;
- Phytoremediation a step to circular economy in Baltic Sea region / Inga Grinfelde, Jovita Pilecka, Juris Burlakovs, William Hogland // Linnaeus Eco-Tech 2018 : 11th international conference on establishment of cooperation between companies and institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region and the World : book of abstracts, Kalmar, Sweden, 19–21 November, 2018 [elektroniskais resurss] / Linnaeus University. Kalmar, 2018. P. 29. ISBN 9789188898289;
- Spektrofotometra Picarro G2508 izmantošanas iespējas siltumnīcefekta gāzu emisiju noteikšanai dažādās augsnēs // Valujeva K., Grīnfelde I., Frolova O., Pilecka J., Bērziņa L. Konference “Kūdra un sapropelis – ražošanas, zinātnes un vides sinerģija resursu efektīvas izmantošanas kontekstā” : rakstu krājums, Latvijas Universitāte, Rīga, Latvija, 31. janvāris, 2017, 176.-182.lpp.
- Karjera tipa kūdras ieguves ietekme uz augstā purva hidroloģisko režīmu //Grīnfelde I, Purmalis O., Pilecka J., Valujeva K. Konference “Kūdra un sapropelis – ražošanas, zinātnes un vides sinerģija resursu efektīvas izmantošanas kontekstā” : rakstu krājums, Latvijas Universitāte, Rīga, Latvija, 31. janvāris, 2017, -38.lpp
- Grīnfelde I., Pilecka J., Frolova O., Valujeva K., Frēzkūdras ieguves ietekme uz augstā purva hidroloģisko režīmu // Konference “Kūdra un sapropelis – ražošanas, zinātnes un vides sinerģija resursu efektīvas izmantošanas kontekstā” : rakstu krājums, Latvijas Universitāte, Rīga, Latvija, 31. janvāris, 2017, 186.lpp.
- Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Zaharane K., Berzina L., Automated cavity ring down spectroscopy usage for nitrous oxide emission measurements from soil using recirculation system // 16th International scientific conference “Engineering for rural development”: proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, May 24 – 26, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Faculty of Engineering. Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences. Jelgava, 2017. Vol.16, p. 1111-1116, URL: http://tf.llu.lv/conference/proceedings2017/Papers/N235.pdf ISSN 1691-5976. (Scopus)
- Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Berzina L., The Automated cavity ring down spectroscopy usage for nitrous oxide and ammonia emissions measurements from soil using recirculation and closed chamber systems // Innovative solutions for sustainable management of nitrogen : international conference at Aarhus University Denmark, June 26-28, 2017, http://sustainablenconference.dnmark.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/JYC_Final_Book-of-abstracts160617.pdf
- Valujeva K., Pilecka J., Frolova O., Berzina L., Grinfelde I., Measurement Time Estimation of CO2, CH4, N2O and NH3 in Closed Chambers and Recirculation System with Picarro G2508 Analyser // 17 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences SGEM 2017 : Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June-5 July 2017 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Albena, 2017. Vol.17 : Energy and Clean Technologies; Issue 41 : Nuclear Technologies. Recycling. Air Pollution and Climate Change, p. 519 – 526, ISBN 9786197408065, ISSN 3114-2704 (Scopus)
- Pilecka J., Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Straupe I, Purmalis O., Heavy Metal Concentration and Distribution of Snow and Lichea Samples in Urban Area: Case Study of Jelgava // 17 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences SGEM 2017 : Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June-5 July 2017 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Albena, 2017. Vol.17 : Energy and Clean Technologies; Issue 41 : Nuclear Technologies. Recycling. Air Pollution and Climate Change, p. 519 – 526, ISBN 9786197408065, ISSN 3114-2704 (Scopus)
- Frolova O., Zaharane K., Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Berzina L., The Measurements of Direct N2O and NH3 Emissions from Nitrogen Fertilizers Application in Laboratory Conditions // 17 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences SGEM 2017 : Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June-5 July 2017 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Albena, 2017. Vol.17 : Energy and Clean Technologies; Issue 41 : Nuclear Technologies. Recycling. Air Pollution and Climate Change, p. 519 – 526, ISBN 9786197408065, ISSN 3114-2704 (Scopus)
- Berzina L., Frolova O., Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Greenhouse Gases and Ammonia Emission Evaluation of Conventional and Organic Dairy Farming in Baltic Region // 17 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences SGEM 2017 : Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June-5 July 2017 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Albena, 2017. Vol.17 : Energy and Clean Technologies; Issue 41 : Nuclear Technologies. Recycling. Air Pollution and Climate Change, p. 519 – 526, ISBN 9786197408065, ISSN 3114-2704 (Scopus)
- Grinfelde I., Berzina L., Valujeva K., The Measurements of Ammonia Emission from Agricultural Soils Using Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy // The 8th International Scientific Conference “Rural Development 2017: Bioeconomy Challenges”: abstracts book, Kaunas, Lithuania, 23-24th November, 2017, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania. Kaunas, 2017. 235.lpp. ISBN 9786094491238.
- Pilecka J., Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Straupe I., Purmalis O. / Heavy Metal Contamination and Distribution in the Urban Environment of Jelgava // Research for Rural Development 2017 : Annual 23rd International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Jelgava, Latvia, 17-19 May, 2017 / Latvia University of Agriculture. Jelgava, 2017. vol. 1, 173.-179.lpp. , url: http://www2.llu.lv/research_conf/proceedings2017_vol_1/docs/latviaresruraldev_23rd_2017_vol1.pdf issn 1691-4031.
- Liene Kalniņa, Olga Frolova, Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde / Moisture effect on CO2, CH4, NH3 and N2O emissions from soils in Latvia // 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science” (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students) : collection of abstracts, April 20, 2018 [elektroniskais resurss] Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies. Jelgava, 2018. 115.lpp., URL: http://llufb.llu.lv/conference/Students_their_Way_Science/Latvia_SWS_13th_Collection_of_Abstracts_2018.pdf ISSN 2255-9566.
- Kristīne Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Rogier P. O. Schulte / Zemes izmantošanas iespēju novērtējums Latvijā klimata politikas kontekstā // Ģeogrāfija. Ģeoloģija. Vides zinātne: referātu tēzes, Rīga, Latvija, 26.janv.-7.febr., 2018 / Latvijas Universitāte (Latvijas Universitātes 76. zinātniskā konference). Rīga, 2018. 110.-111.lpp., URL: https://www.geo.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/projekti/gzzf/Intelektualie_sasniegumi/LU_zin_konf_tezes_GZZF_2018.pdf ISBN 9789934556364.
- Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Inga Straupe, Oskars Purmalis / The temporal and spatial analysis of transport impact on trace elements in snow samples // 18th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 2 – 8 July, 2018 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 2018. Vol. 18 : Energy and clean technologies; Issue 4.2 : Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, 671.-677.lpp. ISBN 9786197408130. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grinfelde, Kristine Valujeva, Olga Frolova, Oskars Purmalis / The spatial analysis of air pollution with trace elements using snow sampling // 18th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 2 – 8 July, 2018 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 2018. Vol. 18 : Energy and clean technologies; Issue 4.2 : Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, 663.-669.lpp. ISBN 9786197408130. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Ruta Kalnina, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva / The chamber configuration impact on soil flux precision using cavity ring-down spectroscopy // 18th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 2 – 8 July, 2018 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 2018. Vol. 18 : Energy and clean technologies; Issue 4.2 : Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, 623.-629.lpp. ISBN 9786197408130. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Olga Frolova, Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Kristine Valujeva, Jovita Pilecka / Soil moisture impact on ammonia soil fluxes with input of mineral nitrogen // 18th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 2 – 8 July, 2018 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 2018. Vol. 18 : Energy and clean technologies; Issue 4.2 : Recycling. Air pollution and climate change, 607.-614.lpp. ISBN 9786197408130. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Juris Zarins / Supply and demand of multiple soil functions in two different regions in Latvia // 18th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 2 – 8 July, 2018 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 2018. Vol. 18 : Water resources. Forest, marine and ocean ecosystems; Issue 3.2 : Soils. Forest ecosystems. Marine and ocean ecosystems, 503.-509.lpp. ISBN 9786197408130. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Valujeva K., O`Sullivan L., Gutzler C., Fealy R., Schulte R.P.O., (2016). The challenge of managing soil functions at multiple scales: An optimisation study of the synergistic and antagonistic trade-offs between soil functions in Ireland. Land Use Policy, Vol. 58 p.335-347. Impact factor: 2.768
- Purmalis O., Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Burlakovs J., (2016). The Abandoned Block-cut Peat Extraction Field Influence on the Natural Raised Bog Hydrological Regime. Research for Rural Development, Annual 22nd International Scientific Conference Proceedings, vol. 1 p. 236-241.
- Gravas un Vecdzirnavu HES darbības ietekme uz Usmas ezera ūdens līmeņu svārstībām / Jovita Pilecka, Inga Grīnfelde. // Latvijas Universitātes 74. zinātniskā konference: Ģeogrāfija. Ģeoloģija. Vides zinātne: referātu tēzes, Rīga, Latvija, 1.-5.febr., 2016. Rīga: Latvijas Universitāte, 2016.82.-83.lpp.,URL: http://www.geo.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/projekti/gzzf/Konferences/LU_74_zin_konference_A5_F.pdf ISBN 9789934181245.;
- The changes of lake hydrological regime: a case study of lake Usma in Latvia / I. Grinfelde, K. Steinberga, J. Pilecka // Nordic Water 2016: XXIX Nordic hydrological conference “The role of hydrology towards water resources sustainability”: abstracts, Kaunas, Lithuania, August 8-10, 2016 / Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Vytautas Magnus University, Nordic Association for Hydrology. Kaunas, 2016. P. 46, URL: http://www.lei.lt/nordicwater2016/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/abstractA5.pdf ISBN 9786094490965. ISSN 1650-8610.;
- The development of conceptual model METQ and integration in study process / Inga Grinfelde, Laima Berzina, Jovita Pilecka // X Nordic-Baltic Agrometrics conference: Mathematics and statistics for the sustainable development: abstracts, Jelgava, Latvia, Sept. 15-17, 2016 / Latvia University of Agriculture Jelgava, 2016. P. 16-18, URL: http://llufb.llu.lv/conference/Math/Mathematics_statistics_sustainable_conf2016_abstracts.pdf ISBN 9789984482392. ;
- I.Grinfelde Contribution by Professor Ansis Ziverts to Modelling of Hydrological Processes in Latvia. 35th International kongress of Agrometeriology and Klimatology. 7-10 October, 2011, Vrotslav, Poland, Wrotslava University of Life Sciences, 2011, ISBN 978-83-62633-08-1.
- I.Grinfelde Rewiew of Hydro-Engeneering Science Dewelopment in Latvia. 35th International kongress of Agrometeriology and Klimatology. 7-10 October, 2011, Wrotslav, Poland, Wrotslava University of Life Sciences, 2011, ISBN 978-83-62633-08-1.
- D.Lauva, I.Grīnfelde, A.Veinbergs, The Annual variation of the Shallow Groundwater levels by Diverse Climate Scenarious in Latvia. Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Water, Climate and Environment, 28 May – 2 June 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia; Edited by M.Morell, at all. 2012. ISBN 978-608-4510-10-9 1-8 lpp.
- D.Lauva. I.Grīnfelde, A.Veinbergs, K.Abramenko, V.Vircavs, Z.Dimanta, A.Gailuma, I.Vītola. The impact of climate change on the annual variation of the shallow groundwater levels in Latvia // RTU zinātniskie raksti. 13. sēr., Vides un klimata tehnoloģijas. – 8. sēj. ISSN: 1691-5208 41.-48.lpp
- D.Lauva. I.Grīnfelde, A.Veinbergs, K.Abramenko, V.Vircavs, Z.Dimanta, A.Gailuma, I.Vītola. The uncertanty of the future annual long-term groundwater tabele fluctulacion regime in Latvia. Abstract book The 70th scientific Conference of the University of Latvia Session of Geology „Ground water in sedimentary Basins” Latvia University, Riga 2012, ISBN 978-998-45-443-6 22.-23.lpp.
- Grīnfelde I, D.Lauva., Autocalibration feasibility and urbanization dimension integration in regional model METQ Conference Proceedings. HydroPredict2012, Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resources Management: Water Resources and Changing Global Environment, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 September 2012 edited by Peter Nachtnebel & Karel Kovar, 61.lpp
- Bodnieks A., Grinfelde I., (2014) Peat extraction impact on Hydrological regime of High Moss. In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014. – 16.lpp. ISSN 2255 – 9566 (CAB Abstracts)
- Deikovskis K., Grinfelde I., (2014) Sensitivity Test of Hydrological model METQ In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014. – 18.lpp. ISSN 2255 – 9566 (CAB Abstracts)
- Steinberga K., Grinfelde I., (2014) Changes of Lake Hydrological Cycle: Case Study of Lake Usma in Latvia, In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014. – 97.lpp. ISSN 2255 – 9566 (CAB Abstracts)
- Sarkane Z., Grinfelde I., Assesment of Water Body Overgrow Using GIS Technologies: Case Study of Lake Usma, In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014. – 15.lpp. ISSN 2255 – 9566 (CAB Abstracts)
- Valujeva K., Grinfelde I., Straupe I. (2015). The Usage of Phytoremediation Method in Latvia. 5th International Scientific Conference of Civil Engineering. April 14, Jelgava, Latvia.
- Valujeva K., Grinfelde I. (2015). Groundwater Remediation of Oil Products by Using the Phytoremediation Method. 10th international scientific conference „Students on their Way to Science”. April 24, Jelgava, Latvia.
- Valujeva K., Grīnfelde I., Straupe I. (2015). Gruntsūdeņu attīrīšana no naftas produktiem, izmantojot fitoremediācijas metodi. Latvijas Universitātes 73.zinātniskā konference. Rīga, Latvija 6. februāris 2015. gads.
- Sudars R., Priekulis J., Berzina L., Valujeva K. (2015). Manure Management Systems Impact on GHG Emissions. 25th Congress of the Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists „Mordic View to Sustainable Rural Development”. June 16-18, Riga, Latvia.
- Grīnfelde I., Valujeva K., Purmalis O. (2015). Ar karjera metodi izstrādāto kūdras purvu hidroloģiskā režīma atjaunošanās. Latvijas Universitātes 73.zinātniskā konference. Rīga, Latvija 6. februāris 2015. gads.
- Frolova O., Grīnfelde I. (2015). Drained Lakes in Territory of Latvia. 10th international scientific conference „Students on their Way to Science”. April 24, Jelgava, Latvia.
- Pilecka J., Grīnfelde I. (2015). The Gravas and Vecdzirnavu Hydropowerstation impact on Usma Lake Water Level Fluctuaction. 10th international scientific conference „Students on their Way to Science”. April 24, Jelgava, Latvia.
Uzstāšanās konferencēs:
- Valujeva Kristīne, Burlakovs Juris, Grinfelde Inga, Pilecka Jovita, Jani Yahya, Hogland William / Phytoremediation as Tool for Prevention of Contaminant Flow to Hydrological Systems. 24th International Scientific Conference “Research for Rural Development 2018”, 16-18 May, 2018, Jelgava, Latvia
- Kristine Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Juris Zarins / Supply and demand of multiple soil functions in two different regions in Latvia // 18th International multidisciplinary scientific GeoConference SGEM 2018 : conference proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 2 – 8 July, 2018 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 2018. Vol. 18 : Water resources. Forest, marine and ocean ecosystems; Issue 3.2 : Soils. Forest ecosystems. Marine and ocean ecosystems, 503.-509.lpp. ISBN 9786197408130. ISSN 1314-2704.
- Liene Kalniņa, Olga Frolova, Kristīne Valujeva, Inga Grīnfelde / Moisture effect on CO2, CH4, NH3 and N2O emissions from soils in Latvia // 13th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science” (undergraduate, graduate, post-graduate students) : collection of abstracts, April 20, 2018
- Kristīne Valujeva, Aleksejs Nipers, Rogier P. O. Schulte / Zemes izmantošanas iespēju novērtējums Latvijā klimata politikas kontekstā // Ģeogrāfija. Ģeoloģija. Vides zinātne: referātu tēzes, Rīga, Latvija, 26.janv.-7.febr., 2018 / Latvijas Universitāte (Latvijas Universitātes 76. zinātniskā konference). Rīga, 2018. 110.-111.lpp., URL: https://www.geo.lu.lv/fileadmin/user_upload/lu_portal/projekti/gzzf/Intelektualie_sasniegumi/LU_zin_konf_tezes_GZZF_2018.pdf ISBN 9789934556364.
- Skudra Mairita, Grinfelde Inga, Valujeva Kristine, Pilecka Jovita, Burlakovs Juris, Hogland William / The phytoremediation of soils with complex pollution // Linnaeus Eco-Tech 2018 : 11th international conference on Establishment of cooperation between companies and institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region and the World, Kalmar, Sweden, 19–21 November, 2018, Linnaeus University.
- Grinfelde I., Valujeva K., Zaharane K., Berzina L., The Automated Cavity Ring Down Spectroscopy Usage for Nitrous Oxide Emissions Measurements from Soil Using Recirculation System // 16th International Scientific Conference Engineering for Rural Development, Jelgava, Latvia, 24-26 May, 2017.
- Valujeva K., Field-scale Measurements of GHG Emissions // 18th International Scientific Conference Economic Science for Rural Development, Jelgava, Latvia, 27-28 April, 2017
- Valujeva K., Pilecka J., Frolova O., Berzina L., Grinfelde I., Measurement Time Estimation of CO2, CH4, N2O and NH3 in Closed Chambers and Recirculation System with Picarro G2508 Analyser // 17 International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences SGEM 2017 : Conference Proceedings, Albena, Bulgaria, 29 June-5 July 2017 / Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Albena, 2017. Vol.17 : Energy and Clean Technologies; Issue 41 : Nuclear Technologies. Recycling. Air Pollution and Climate Change, p. 519 – 526, ISBN 9786197408065, ISSN 3114-2704.
- Valujeva K., O`Sullivan L., Gutzler C., Fealy R., Schulte R.P.O. Ilgtspējīgs zemju izmantošanas koncepts: augsnes funkciju optimizācija Īrijā // Latvijas Universitātes 74. zinātniskā konference : Ģeogrāfija. Ģeoloģija. Vides zinātne: referātu tēzes, Rīga, Latvija, febr.-marts, 2016. – Rīga : Latvijas Universitāte, 2016. – 523-525.lpp.
- Valujeva K., Grīnfelde I. The Application of Phytoremediation Technology in Latvia // Latvia University on Agriculture, 11th International Scientific Conference ‘Students on Their Way to Science’, Jelgava, Latvia, April 22, 2016. – p. 105.
- Valujeva K., Grinfelde I, Purmalis O. The Peat Extraction Impact on Hydrological Regime of the Raised Bog // Nordic Water 2016, XXIX Nordic Hydrological Conference, Kaunas, August 8-10, 2016 – p. 99.
- I. Grinfelde, Abramenko, K., Lauva, D. Plone, E. and Vircavs, V. Flood Risk Management of Lowland Rivers – A Case Study of Lielupe River in Latvia. 5th International Conference on Flood Management (ICFM5) 27-29 September 2011, Tokyo-Japan.
- D.Lauva, I.Grīnfelde, A.Veinbergs, The Annual variation of the Shallow Groundwater levels by Diverse Climate Scenarious in Latvia. Conference Proceedings. International Conference on Water, Climate and Environment, 28 May – 2 June 2012, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
- D.Lauva. I.Grīnfelde, A.Veinbergs, K.Abramenko, V.Vircavs, Z.Dimanta, A.Gailuma, I.Vītola. The uncertanty of the future annual long-term groundwater tabele fluctulacion regime in Latvia. Abstract book The 70th scientific Conference of the University of Latvia Session of Geology „Ground water in sedimentary Basins” Latvia University, Riga 2012,
- Grīnfelde I, D.Lauva., Autocalibration feasibility and urbanization dimension integration in regional model METQ Conference Proceedings. HydroPredict2012, Predictions for Hydrology, Ecology and Water Resources Management: Water Resources and Changing Global Environment, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 September 2012
- Bodnieks A., Grinfelde I., (2014) Peat extraction impact on Hydrological regime of High Moss. In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014.
- Deikovskis K., Grinfelde I., (2014) Sensitivity Test of Hydrological model METQ In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014.
- Steinberga K., Grinfelde I., (2014) Changes of Lake Hydrological Cycle: Case Study of Lake Usma in Latvia, In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014.
- Sarkane Z., Grinfelde I., Assesment of Water Body Overgrow Using GIS Technologies: Case Study of Lake Usma, In: 9th International scientific conference “Students on their way to science”: collection of abstracts, April 25, 2014 / Latvia University of Agriculture. – Jelgava, 2014.
- Frolova O., Grīnfelde I. (2015). Drained Lakes in Territory of Latvia. 10th international scientific conference „Students on their Way to Science”. April 24, Jelgava, Latvia.
Pilecka J., Grīnfelde I. (2015). The Gravas and Vecdzirnavu Hydropowerstation impact on Usma Lake Water Level Fluctuaction. 10th international scientific conference „Students on their Way to Science”. April 24, Jelgava, Latvia.
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